Friday, March 11, 2011

[News] Who Will be the Lead for SM’s Drama? [Hana Kimi Korean Version]

SM Entertainment has recently revealed that they will produce a new drama, and talks about who will be the lead role is becoming a hot topic.According to the SM drama producer, the roles will be made by the votes of the netizens, who will vote who they would like to see in which role. In the SM department, several of their stars have also been in dramas before: TVXQ U-Know Yunho and Choikang Changmin, Super Junior Kim Heechul and Choi Siwon, SHINee Minho, SNSD Yoona and Sooyoung and more are in the list (of SM stars who have been in dramas)
Netizens have said, I hope universal sports star Minho will be the lead.”, and “Will all of SM Entertainment’s stars star in the drama?” Meanwhile, SM’s coming-soon drama’s origin, originally a Japanese series, has sold 1,700 copies in Japan.

hyaaaa >,< aku juga berharap Minho yang terpilih nantinya ㅋㅋㅋ
ga sabar juga buat liat akting Minho di drama ini
ada Heechul juga disini \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/ *bias kedua saya heechul 
drama ini Hana Kimi dan diambil dari dorama Japan
semoga Minho lancar dalam memerankan laganya

Credits:, dkpopnews
Photo Credits:
Translated by ilysmtown @ SMTownJjang

2 Coment:

ekaa putri said...

pliss ajahh dehh kalo minho kepilih jgn sama yoona #sakithati

ayu aditi said...

aku ama sapa aja terima ajadeh T^T
jujur ya Ka
mulai dr beberapa minggu lalu
aku emang udah bertekad ga bakal nangis darah klo Minho deket dengan sapapun
secara aku ga bakal pacaran ama Minho apalagi nikah (?)

nasib deh kita fangirl cuma bs sakit hati gigit baju klo bias kita di pairing ama cewe ya ka T^T

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