Monday, February 28, 2011

[HQ Pict] Minho at Sukira Radio Part 4c [25.02.2011]

u/ memperbesar gambar, klik kanan pd gambar, open link in new tab (berlaku u/ semua gambar)

credit: Trang.MinhoBiased @soompi & My Minho

6 Coment:

leen said...

Hi everyone

I’m leen from KSA

and there’s voting to open a shop for selling Korean

products like clothe and everything related to the Korean


but they will only bring stuff for the three first teams

so please help us and vote for SHINee

and they also will choose the city that the shop will open

in it

so all the words in Arabic and I think you will not


so you can vote by following these instruction :

1- The first voting for the city

so choose the first one (جدة-Jeddah)

2- The second voting for the bands

so Certainly without thinking choose SHINee

vote here

and today is the last day for voting

SHINee is in the 5th place and they was in the 2nd place

so please help us T^T

and thank you



I forgot to tell you that You can vote many times without


so please please please vote for SHINee

at least ten times

HeHeHe ^_^

ayu aditi said...

Hi Leen :D
I've done as you requested.
Hopefully SHINee could be the choice most
Fighting~!! ^^,

yuiayumisakurai said...

Heyyy, jun yoogeun has grown up already ^^ (Minho is Yoogeun senior version)

ayu aditi said...

do u have yoogeun lastes video?
give it to me :3

taeminforever said...

the latest video I have is Yoogeun dances Lucifer LOL

ayu aditi said...

that video aku juga punya

*english ancur* wkwkwk

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